Scared of Getting Into Your Own Business? Don't Be. Income Guarantee Available with AustClean!!
*conditions apply

Lee Codling
AustClean Interior & Carpet Cleaning Swan Hill
Straight out of school in my home town of Swan Hill in regional Victoria, I started working as a farm hand at a local but well know and successful wine producer. With limited opportunity for growth and limited opportunity to change industries, I found AustClean and because the Swan Hill owner.
I have been with AustClean for under a year and already surpassed my yearly income in my past role, have learnt to be a successful business owner and have recently hired a staff member to work with me as my business goes from strength to strength. Cleaning is not something I had in mind but I’m really thankful to have found AustClean and would be happy to recommend it to anyone in a similar situation.
Saaj Khan
AustClean Interior & Carpet Cleaning Calamvale
My transition in joining the AustClean team, owning & running my own small business has been one hell of a ride. The support I have received from the AustClean team has been nothing short of sensational! I could not comprehend where I would be now without the guidance, support and direction I’ve received from AustClean. I joined in November 2012, and have just cleared a $10k month for the first time in my life in March 2013. A great franchise un like any other on the market. Highly recommend.
Darren & Rod
AustClean Interior & Carpet Cleaning Helensvale
Moving from South Australia to the Gold Coast region, we were looking for a cleaning franchise and happen to stumble across an AustClean bus advert. Since joining in 2012 our business has gone from strength to strength with a range of clientele in our local community where we get a great amount of pride and satisfaction helping to keep their premises clean. Whilst the cleaning can be physical and demanding, we do not regret our decision to be a part of the AustClean brand at all.
Bradley Pope
AustClean Interior & Carpet Cleaning Mildura
Believe it or not I was a bank manager with one of the big 4 and felt very restricted to my desk. After moving our family to Mildura and my wife being a teacher in the town, we wanted a business that could give some flexibility for our kids but also get me away from that desk. I remember saying to the director that I just wanted to replace my income in the first year of what I was getting at the bank. Well I exceeded that and have not looked back since. If you are thinking of doing what I’ve done but are having second thoughts, then I would think again and think harder as it really has been the right choice for us.
Josh Goan
AustClean Exterior & Window Cleaning Brisbane South
I’m only in my 20’s and the thought of doing my own business was pretty scary. I can honestly say I nearly backed out on numerous occasions and not everyone around me was positive about my decision. But I’ve been going for a year now, I have a solid foundation of work and I’m always busy. I can only see my business growing and growing from here on and I’m extremely happy with the decision to own my own business with AustClean.
Kerry and Shaun Lake
AustClean Buderim
We were part of the very first franchises when AustClean started. I own an interior cleaning business and my husband Shaun an exterior cleaning business and they work hand in hand. Being English and only in the Country a couple of years and in Brisbane, we wanted to move to the Sunshine Coast for lifestyle. Meeting the founder Lucas via mutual friends, we made the decision that AustClean would provide us that lifestyle and we’ve never looked back. We did not join to work crazy hours or make millions of dollars, moving to Australia was never about that. We’ve met some great people within the brand and continue to enjoy the life that this business and country allows us to and would recommend it to anyone.
Saaj KhanAustClean Interior & Carpet Cleaning Calamvale
Josh GoanAustClean Exterior & Window Cleaning Brisbane South
Darren & RodAustClean Interior & Carpet Cleaning Helensvale